Individual Membership Categories

There are seven categories of Individual Membership:

Ordinary Members
Persons who are owners / proprietors or hold positions at board / departmental / divisional / branch / executive levels with appropriate professional and/or academic qualifications as may be approved by the Governing Council may apply for membership as Ordinary Members.

Associate Members
Persons who are actively engaged in industry, commerce or a public organisation and have completed a course approved by the Governing Council (whether on a part-time or full-time basis) or are suitably recommended for membership as determined by the Governing Council may apply for membership as Associate Members.

Honorary Fellows
Persons who have distinguished themselves in the field of management or made significant contributions to the growth and development of the Institute may be invited by the Governing Council to be Honorary Fellows and bestowed such membership on an honorary basis.

Persons who hold general management responsibility at board or at chief executive level of such scope and duration as may be approved by the Governing Council may apply for membership as Fellows.

Silver Members
Persons who are at least 60 years of age, retired from full-time business activity and occupation and have been a member of the Institute for at least 10 years may apply for membership as Silver Members.

Visiting Members
Persons visiting Singapore to conduct research, academic or business activities to the benefits of the Institute for any period not exceeding 12 months may apply for membership as Visiting Members.